Tips from the Award-Winning Designer of Nelson Mandela’s Home

Introducing Samuel Alexander ✨

Today we have one of the most interesting interior designers I’ve had the privilege of interviewing. 

We’ve got Samuel Alexander with us, an award-winning South African interior designer with incredibly cool projects including designing Nelson Mandela's first presidential home. 

We’re going to cover lessons he’s learned working on multi-million dollar design projects, common design mistakes he recommends avoiding, and insights into his creative process. 

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Samuel’s Story 

Samuel says he’s been a creative for as long as he can remember. From singing to acting to performing on stage, being creative is a part of his DNA. 

When the time came to pick a career as he grew older, Samuel decided to pursue interior design to help families turn the four walls and a roof we call a house into homes they could create memories and spend time in. 

He’s been in the field for well over a decade and has worked on a range of design projects. 

You can connect with him on his website and Linkedin

Coolest Project Samuel has worked on 

Nelson Mandela is known for being the first black president of South Africa. Mandela was imprisoned between the years 1964 and 1982 for resisting & fighting the apartheid. 

When he was finally released from prison, he ran for president and moved into the Mandela mansion, his first presidential home, in 1992.  

After moving out, the house was passed on to the Mandela Foundation and turned into the foundation's headquarters. 

When the foundation decided it was time for a makeover, Samuel was one of the designers who worked on remodeling the space. He worked on making sure the new spaces reflected the history of the mansion. 

Some of the renovations included putting Mandela's letters from prisons on the wall and putting the legacy Mandela left behind on full display throughout the residence. 

Fun Fact: The mansion is now a hotel open to the public. 

Samuels Creative Process 

One of the things Samuel emphasizes about his process is communication. Communication about preferences and styles. 

Whenever you begin a project, Samuel emphasizes, everyone involved should clearly communicate what they want. From colors to decor to furniture to the overall feel & vibe of the space. 

This goes further than what you like but also includes what you don’t like, what you don’t want. 

Samuel also talks about finding inspiration from a variety of sources. Not just Pinterest and Instagram but also going out there into the real world. 

Most cities, especially larger ones, have galleries and pop ups you can visit for inspiration. Samuel often goes a step further and writes down what he likes and doesn’t like about the places he visits. 

Common mistakes when designing or renovating

Especially if you’re not working with a professional interior designer, it’s super easy to make expensive mistakes. To avoid them, keep these tips from Samuel in mind. 

If you’re in the process of designing or renovating your home, Samuel recommends starting out by understanding the space you’re working with. 

“Consider the space that you're working with. Don't be outlandish. Don't get a rug that's bigger than the space. Don't get a bed that's not going to allow you to walk around it.” - Samuel 

One of the things you should always do is measure everything. Measure the walls. Measure the floor. Measure the windows, etc. Measure everything so you don’t end up making expensive mistakes later on. 

Another mistake a lot of homeowners make is they don’t consult an interior designer. Samuel calls interior designers fairy godmothers or magicians of making your dream home a reality. 

The right designer can make the process much easier and cheaper. Not paying for an interior designer early on can lead to paying for expensive mistakes later on according to Samuel. 

Samuel also says there are tiers of designers. You don’t need to pick the most expensive designer in your city. You can work with freelancers or smaller design firms that might be a better fit for your budget. 

How to find the right interior designer 

If you’ve decided to work with a designer, picking the right one is crucial. Samuel recommends starting out by understanding what budget you’re working with. 

If you don’t have a set budget, create one before searching for a designer or design firm to work with. 

After you’ve get a budget, get an understanding of what style / vibe you’re going for. Designers often focus on specific styles and choosing the wrong designer can be an expensive mistake. 

Always check the Instagram, Pinterest, or website of the designers you’re considering working with. Make sure the vibe / style you want aligns with their previous projects.