Introducing MezonJoy ✨

A game to help you decorate 🏡

If you’re like us you probably grew up playing Sims and maybe still play it (we sure do 😉). Inspired by its simplicity, we’re building Sims for the real world.

Decorating can be frustrating and overwhelming to say the least. With all the inspiration & decor options out there, it’s easy to get caught up.

MezonJoy is going to help you transform your room or home into a 3D simulation where you can test different layouts & decor to find the perfect match for you.

Then you’ll be able to get the decor & furniture shipped directly to your doorstep to bring your design into the real world.

If you’re also excited by this idea like us, subscribe to the waitlist using the button below. You’ll be added to our exclusive early bird-club and be the first to be notified when we release the game.

One more thing, if you want to give us an extra hand to make this dream come true, send this to a friend.

All early bird club members get a 15% discount on decor.